Starting a Brand 101 with Shirtual

Words by Shirtual



How to Improve Your Brand’s Perception in 5 Radical Ways

What makes a brand like Supreme and Thrasher trendier than the clothes you get at the dollar store? Great brands live or die based on the perception surrounding them–how customers see them, their personality, and their expectations. There are five radical things you can do to improve brand perception right

How to Expand Your Brand’s International Reach

Let’s say you’ve succeeded in conquering your local market. You’ve increased your revenue, diversified your market, and enlarged your scale, and now the whole world is your brand’s oyster. Or maybe not? The international market is a bigger pond for most Singaporean brands, and it might be difficult to leap

Brand Collaborations: Why Brands Should Work Together

In the bustling branding circles, everything seems like a competition. You want to stand out from the crowd and capture more attention from the fleeting client base your brand has. But it doesn’t always have to be that way–sometimes, the more strategic move is to work together with other brands,

How to Market Merch: Selling Style, Not Just Clothes 

When you make merch and branded apparel for the first time, you tend to choose the most common offerings–preppy T-shirts, sweaters, and maybe some hoodies too. But clients don’t just look for clothes in their shopping experience

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Cheap Material for Brand Merch

If you own a business, you will have probably seen the business triangle. The theory behind this triangle is simple; a business can only prioritize two things between cost, quality and time. If something is cheap and high-quality, it has to take a lot of time, and so on.


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