Brand vs. Branding

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You’ve come up with a design, a logo, a tagline, and come in contact with a supplier—your brand is ready to go! It’s ready to go, right? Well… Is it actually, really ready to go?

You are, in fact, one of many who’s been thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time. When it comes to creating a brand-new brand and earning your place in the market, competition is fierce. With the ease of trends and choices at our fingertips, how do we stand out?

There are 5 key brand elements you need to reach your desired audience and build your presence.

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  1. Brand Positioning
    This is where the soul of your brand lies. It tells people about what your brand does, and for whom, as well as communicates your Unique Selling Point. The audience needs to know the benefits of working with you, and what makes your brand different in comparison of others out there.
  1. Brand Promise
    There is one thing you consistently deliver—what is it? What is that one, singular quality you can promise to fulfill each and every time your audience interacts or buy your products?
  1. Brand Personality
    Think of adjectives. What should your brand be best known for? Envision personality traits, manner of speaking, brand voice, or even as far as a particular character. Who is your brand?
  1. Brand Story
    What created the vision of the brand? This is where you let your audience in, letting them know why you started doing what you’re doing in the first place. History adds value and credibility to your brand.
  1. Brand Associations
    Name, logo, colors, imageries, fonts, taglines—brand associations are the specific visual and physical traits of your brand. Make sure that your brand associations reflect your brand’s personality, and build a solid foundation for its positioning.

These 5 things are essential in building a relevant brand and a defined positioning. We understand that they may sound intimidating at first, but we also believe that your visions are worth building something that lasts for.

No worries, if you’re ever in need of discussion and brainstorming partners, feel free to hit us up to schedule your free brand consultation!

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